Singaporean musician: Faith Yang

Learned about this Singaporean artist, Faith Yang (via Jerron, who posted to the folks at Songcraft). - Faith Yang, Fu Wei - Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, States, Germany, China - Cristiana / Electrónica / Pop  -

Jerron added that Faith Yang was formerly from “2Gals” (“两个女生”) that did quite well in Taiwan & Singapore in the late 1990s. I found this article from Channelnewsasia.

Faith Yang (not to be confused with another “Faith Yang” who’s implicated in a drug scandal) was interviewed on recently (if you’re confused why the DJ started by talking about jewelery, Cavemen and Christmas trees, you’re not alone. But listen on).

In the audio interview, Faith explains more about Rebirth (, a collaboration/ production house.

From this post:

And I am happy to have founded this audio production house. Other than that, we hunger for our own creation freedom and space as well. We invite other talents to work with us on the visuals side of things. We call ourselves, the ‘Rebirth’.

This page says “We love to work with others”.
Rebirth » Collaborate

Um… Adrian, you think Faith will consider singing for one of our songs? LOL

Faith just launched her first single titled “Simple Living” (you can hear samples here).

She’s got a nice voice. 🙂

And marketable looks.

Recipes for success.

I like the track that is featured in this post (starts off with a piano piece, and then the distortion guitars coming in). It doesn’t seem to be featured in the samples though.

The CD retails at SGD$11.90 and can be purchased online

Will I buy the album?

Let’s put it this way… it’s like some of our reviewers saying they like our SeaStars album on the whole, but they probably won’t buy it ‘cos New Age isn’t really their thing. Ah, but to compare SeaStars and Faith Yang would be to compare two proven amateurs with one proven singer/ composer!

In my rambling way, I’m not saying it’s a flat no. I may not be ordering the CD right this instant but l’ve subscribe to her blog. If her blog posts make a connection with me, and if her songs continue to be as good, then I’m sure it’s a matter of time that I make that purchase.

Anyway, good luck with the CD sales, Faith Yang. I’m happy to see a Singaporean artiste creating her own opportunities, and making her own brand of music.

~ Ivan

One thought on “Singaporean musician: Faith Yang

  1. Hi Ivan and Jerron,

    This is great! 🙂 I hope to see more of this discussion going around!

    It shows interest at least in what our local Artiste are doing. Whether it’s good or not, it still created a response. 🙂

    Well, being indie is not an easy journey for me or anyone. Most hold a day job and they still make time to pursue their passion. And I respect that.

    The music industry is not well. From friends in China, to Taiwan, Hong Kong, it’s all the same situation.

    A lot of industry friends kept telling me to go from overseas back here. But I am Singaporean and I intend to make this a Singapore Brand of Music! From HOME. 🙂

    So if we get exported, it would be like a Japanese Album being imported to Singapore. And not made in Taiwan and released in Taiwan exported to Singapore. I hope you know what I mean. 🙂

    I believe each of us has a different unique way of doing music. I see the window of opportunity is now open for indie artistes.

    I realized that, in order to continue, we have to be brave, own our own rights and have the creative freedom and slowly but surely gain fans directly. It always starts from within, from home, from our family.

    Nowadays, if you are able to just break even, it’s good to continue to the next step. If not, there may not be a 2nd step…

    Having been through the commercial side of the music industry, I believe in making this change and initiating it. Also to show my experience with others.

    It’s a long journey. But I believe I am not alone. And I hope that some how, what I am doing would inspire others. If not, they may come out with better ideas of how we can resurrect people’s support in music and be able to provide them an alternative to what they are familiar with.

    Thanks for your discussions guys, I find it really meaningful and constructive. And enjoyable to be able to communicate this way! 🙂


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